Culinary Medicine: A Missing Ingredient in Medical Education

For her second-year physiology research project conducted under the supervision of Chev. Prof. Renald Blundell from UM’s Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Courtney Ekezie focused on sustainable food systems and their impact on human health. The study briefly mentioned culinary medicine – an aspect that later inspired this article for THINK.

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Micromuseums with Mighty Value

University of Malta alumnus proposes the first-ever definition of a ‘micromuseum’. Dr John Vella, a doctoral graduate of the Mediterranean Institute, conducted this research after successfully defending his thesis on grassroots museums under the supervision of Prof. John Chircop. Vella continues to research and publish studies on themes concerning such museums.

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When trust is lost in translation

Social worker

Author: Marcelle Bugre

Social workers are in close contact with people; it’s the nature of their job. But when migrant survivors of domestic violence seek help, they often perceive social workers to be representatives of a more powerful group. Thus, survivors may be wary of trusting social workers, or fear losing their children, being reported to immigration authorities, or blamed for what happened. To engage with a growing number of migrants and minorities today, social workers need cross-cultural competence – the ability to work effectively across cultures. 

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Cracking the Code of Hereditary Diseases


Author: Mark Briffa

Lack of clarity amplifies the challenge to come to terms with a disease or disorder. During my research into genetic diseases, I met a Maltese family seeking to understand their condition. Several family members had been diagnosed with hereditary ataxia, a disease that results in some loss of control of normal bodily movements. They had no information about the variation in their DNA that caused the disease.

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