AI Meets the Maltese Courts: Can AI Simplify Small Claims Proceedings?

The idea behind the AMPS project is to investigate the use of natural language processing and machine learning to predict the outcome of Maltese court cases, specifically those within the Small Claims Tribunal, which deals with claims of up to €5000. The objective is to provide a tool to help adjudicators decide cases more efficiently while respecting and integrating the ethical and safety concerns which inevitably arise. By aligning with best practices and guidelines, the project team intends not only to develop a tool for the courts but also to advance the use of the Maltese language in relation to Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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The Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript is one of the most enduring historical enigmas, attracting multidisciplinary interest from around the world. Jonathan Firbank speaks with UM’s wing of the Voynich Research Group about the history, mystery, and cutting-edge technology brought together by this unique medieval text.

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A spin-out from the University of Malta’s Institute of Digital Games is working on artificial intelligence-run game testing software. The engine would run thousands of low-level testing rounds before humans engage in high-level testing of a game prior to market release. co-founder Georgios N. Yannakakis tells THINK how his team aspires to change the game.

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Let’s Have a Chat about ChatGPT

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm since its launch in November 2022. It is a chatbot developed by OpenAI and built on the GPT-3 language model. What sets it apart from other AI chatbots is the sheer amount of data it has been trained on, allowing the quality of its responses to cause waves, leading to headlines such as ChatGPT passing key professional exams. It has also consequently caused concern in academia that it may be used to cheat at exams and assignments. We speak to two academics from the University of Malta, Dr Claudia Borg and Dr Konstantinos Makantasis, to see how academia should adapt. Are such advances a threat to be curbed or an opportunity to be exploited?

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