UM’s First SEA-EU Blended Intensive Programme

In February 2025, the University of Malta hosted its first Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on tourism sustainability in conjunction with the International Office and SEA-EU Office. THINK Editor Rebekah Zammit caught up with Dr John Ebejer from UM’s Department of Tourism Management to ask a few questions about the BIP.

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Reconsidering Reason: Ableism and Speciesism in Moral Philosophy

The ability to reason has been the hallmark of humanity for centuries. It has been used as the foundation for numerous ethical systems. Yet using reason as humanity’s signature feature ostracises those with severe to profound cognitive disabilities, giving moral philosophy ableist undertones. THINK speaks with Dr Kurt Borg and Prof. Anne-Marie Callus to discuss.

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Age Comes for Us All

The prospect of ageing can be terrifying, especially when it is our loved ones who are ageing before our eyes. How do we come to terms with the emotional difficulty of seeing our parents age (and in some unfortunate cases, deteriorate due to diseases), and how to broach sensitive yet crucial subjects such as their end-of-life preferences, euthanasia, and retirement preferences?

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