Smooth Operator: Improving Surface Finish in Additive Manufacturing

While the advent of 3D metal printing may redefine how designers develop parts for products, the process itself is not without faults. Andre Giordimaina speaks with THINK about the GLAM Project, which aims to improve the process of 3D metal printing by optimising the finish and performance of designed parts.

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AI Meets the Maltese Courts: Can AI Simplify Small Claims Proceedings?

The idea behind the AMPS project is to investigate the use of natural language processing and machine learning to predict the outcome of Maltese court cases, specifically those within the Small Claims Tribunal, which deals with claims of up to €5000. The objective is to provide a tool to help adjudicators decide cases more efficiently while respecting and integrating the ethical and safety concerns which inevitably arise. By aligning with best practices and guidelines, the project team intends not only to develop a tool for the courts but also to advance the use of the Maltese language in relation to Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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Going Viral: The Rise of Virtual Influencers 

Virtual influencers are computer-generated avatars that have been dominating social media, and they are reshaping the way we absorb content. Completely realistic and entirely digital, virtual influencers are changing the game in social media and marketing. With breakthroughs and challenges, the AI sector is transforming online engagement and bringing fresh innovations to our world.

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