What is Freeganism?

Malta has one of the highest waste generation rates per capita within the EU. 22% or nearly a quarter of food bought in Malta ends up wasted and thrown away. Malta exceeds the EU average by 24%, and it does not seem to be slowing down. Can we do something about it?

Find out what is freeganism, about dumpster-diving, and its legality in Malta

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Teaching at the seams

The term ‘seamless,’ adopted from fabric or surface production, refers to non-visible gaps or spaces between materials. In education, ‘seamless’ is quite analogous as it refers to smoothened transitions in a student’s educational voyage. 

But are these seams strong enough?

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Ignite’s 24 Weeks

Five women with drastically different lives, find themselves in mutually similar situations and are forced to take the biggest decision of their lives. Ignite’s new play 24 Weeks follows these women as they each take their individual path, based on the options that life has dealt them.

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A Car Country

alking or cycling are challenging in Malta’s car-dominated infrastructure. ‘Active Travel’ is a University of Malta (UM) scheme that encourages students and staff to ditch cars in favour of healthier, greener alternatives. But changing Malta’s car culture is no walk in the park. Prof. Maria Attard (Director, Institute for Climate Change & Sustainable Development, UM) and Raphael Mizzi (UM’s Green Travel Plan Coordinator) speak to Jonathan Firbank about the project.

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