Preserving the Past: UM Library’s Digitisation of Centuries-old Pamphlets

The University of Malta’s Library has diligently digitised historical pamphlets, some dating as far back as the 1600s, allowing students and researchers to explore battles, cultural shifts, and more through primary sources. THINK speaks with library manager Antida Mizzi to explore the commitment to safeguarding history, making it accessible for researchers and scholars dedicated to unearthing the stories that define us.

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Beyond Labels: Rethinking Identity Politics, Equity, and Democracy

In the struggle for increased social and economic rights, it is easy to make the mistake of failing to grasp nuances and different perspectives. Dr Michael Briguglio challenges some of the preconceived notions which persist in modern political discourse, particularly lumping together movements and groups which have important distinctions. In this interview, Briguglio makes the case for liberal democracy and answers key questions on issues of representation and identity.

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Reconsidering Reason: Ableism and Speciesism in Moral Philosophy

The ability to reason has been the hallmark of humanity for centuries. It has been used as the foundation for numerous ethical systems. Yet using reason as humanity’s signature feature ostracises those with severe to profound cognitive disabilities, giving moral philosophy ableist undertones. THINK speaks with Dr Kurt Borg and Prof. Anne-Marie Callus to discuss.

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Championing Research Excellence: The HRS4R Journey at the University of Malta

The HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) is an ongoing project aimed at improving the working conditions and recruitment processes for researchers, including resident academics and Research Support Officers (RSOs). THINK recently interviewed Dr Karen Cacciattolo to walk us through the work conducted by the HRS4R committee at the University of Malta (UM), the significance of this project, past actions taken, and upcoming plans.

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Rethinking Economic Progress

In today’s society, the pursuit of economic growth has become an unquestioned goal. Politicians and policymakers often use increasing GDP as a measure of progress without critically examining its implications. However, this prevailing approach needs reconsideration. Economic policies should prioritize serving societal interests rather than prioritizing growth for the sake of growth. It is time to redefine our understanding of well-being and explore alternative models that lead to a more sustainable and equitable future.

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