We Be (Game) Jammin’ – The Global Game Jam 2023

For many of us, video games are a fun way to spend an evening. However, for some, video games are an integral part of our lives. When we’re not playing them, we’re reading about them, trawling through forums and ‘let’s plays’, and making them. The Global Game Jam brings together like-minded people for an intense three days of developing a game from scratch.

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How to do a Public Consultation

The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has published a Public Consultation on the National Strategy for the Environment 2050 (NSE 2050). Public consultations allow people to express their views to lawmakers in the course of setting policy orientations and drafting legislation. Essentially the public provides feedback on the propositions presented. It is a fantastic tool for democracy if used properly.

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Age Comes for Us All

The prospect of ageing can be terrifying, especially when it is our loved ones who are ageing before our eyes. How do we come to terms with the emotional difficulty of seeing our parents age (and in some unfortunate cases, deteriorate due to diseases), and how to broach sensitive yet crucial subjects such as their end-of-life preferences, euthanasia, and retirement preferences?

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Impressions on the Self

Art invites us to explore the ideas and concepts that govern our daily life. We might take these ideas for granted, but good art startles us, encouraging us to re-examine these concepts. One group of Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) students examines our sense of self through their art.

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