Culinary Medicine: A Missing Ingredient in Medical Education

For her second-year physiology research project conducted under the supervision of Chev. Prof. Renald Blundell from UM’s Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Courtney Ekezie focused on sustainable food systems and their impact on human health. The study briefly mentioned culinary medicine – an aspect that later inspired this article for THINK.

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HUMS ‘The Sun’: Bridging the Sciences and Humanities in a Cross-Disciplinary Exploration

The Humanities, Medicine, and Science (HUMS) Symposia at the University of Malta offer a unique platform where experts from diverse fields come together to explore a single theme from multiple disciplinary perspectives. This academic year, the HUMS first event, entitled ‘The Sun’, provided an interdisciplinary deep dive into the scientific, cultural, and existential significance of our closest star.

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