A Short History of Memes and Malta

I do not always talk about the history of memes, but when I do, I start right from the very beginning. Luckily, you’re getting this crash course in memeology straight from one of the very first moderators of Pastizziposting! It means you get to hear the inside scoop on the Maltese meme industry. Sit down, and let me tell you a story.

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The Story of Plastic: Documentary Screening

Plastic can be found in increasing quantities atop the highest mountain peaks to the darkest depths of the ocean’s trenches. Its effects are pervasive, devastating natural ecosystems, and pose lethal threats to wildlife, while microplastics are even being found in unborn babies, with the consequences as of yet unclear. Over recent years, the predicament of plastic waste has intensified with a surge in usage and production. Since the turn of the millennium, global production of plastics has soared, reaching approximately 400 million metric tonnes annually by 2021.

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Il-Baqra Tinbieh Kollha: A Journey Towards Abattoir Self-Sufficiency and Sustainability

While plant-based food is gaining popularity, the majority of the world’s population still consumes meat. “Il-baqra tinbieħ kollha” (every part of the cow can be sold), a Maltese saying, emphasises that every part of harvested livestock is used. It is imperative that the meat industry develop sustainable practices to reduce its environmental impact, such as utilising every part of the slaughtered animal.

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