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Join THINK at this year’s Campus Book Fest!


This year’s Campus Book Fest will take place from the 22nd to the 24th of March. Discover your next read, find out more about local writers and publishers, or just come say hi to the THINK team!

We do everything with words. We send text messages to our loved ones, complete written exams, and fill in application forms primarily through our lexicon. The laws that govern us are coded in words, the stories we tell one another are verbose, and we express ourselves through our vocabulary. Without the right words, we are at a loss (for words). But how do we find the right words? The answer is simple; reading.

Regardless of whether we read fiction, poetry, research papers, or news articles, reading opens us up to new experiences. We gain insight into new perspectives and a richer understanding of the world around us. How fortuitous then, that there is a book fair happening right on Campus!

The Campus Book Fest will take place at the University of Malta Campus from the 22nd to the 24th of March. Besides being an opportunity to find your next read, and hosting a number of local authors and publishers, THINK Magazine will also be present at this year’s Campus Book Fest!

Have you ever wondered how a magazine comes to life? Or perhaps you’ve always wanted to get involved in the literary industry. Join us for an open panel discussion on Friday the 24th of March at 10am! Meet the people behind Malta’s leading research magazine as they open up about the fascinating process of bringing research to life! Visit us at the Campus Book Fest and find the right words.

For more details, check out the Campus Book Festival Website here.


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